Monday, March 12, 2012

Cipro Side Effects:

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic which is in the fluoroquinolone class.  Although fluoroquinolones are great drugs and are extremely important in eliminating dangerous infections, they are not without side effects, just like any drug.  One of the most common side effects is tendonitis and tendon rupture. This is a rare occurrence estimated at 0.14% to 0.4% of healthy patients. In the renal transplant population, an incidence of 12.2%–15.6% is reported, compared with 0.6%–3.6% for transplant recipients not receiving fluoroquinolones. The risk of tendonitis and tendon rupture is further increased in patients over 60, those taking corticosteroid drugs, and those with kidney, heart, or lung transplants. Risk is also increased with strenuous physical activity, renal failure, and previous tendon disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms will usually be swelling, pain, and limitations in activities.  Tendonitis or rupture is usually seen in the achilles tendon most frequently.  This can also be seen in the shoulder or upper extremity/wrist, but with much less frequency.  It is suspected that the mechanism is one that inhibits tenocyte migration and activity which helps tendons maintain health and heal minor trauma.

Generally the tendonitis is self resolving with discontinuation of the medication and immobilization with a walking boot or a cast.  Occasionally complete rupture is seen and this will generally require surgery.

Although this is a rare complication of Ciprofloxacin use, it can be quite disabling or even devestating.  Most importantly is letting your doctor know about the above risk factors if you do need this antibiotic, or letting your doctor know immediately if you start to have any abnormal reaction.


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